Saturday, January 12, 2008

Antar Kumbhak Dhyan:

Dear Seekers,
Let us the feel the Divine presence of Master of Masters - OSHO in the formless being and bow down to Him by singing Guru Vandana. Being filled with gratitude towards Him in the second step of Keertan, we shall dance together. In the Next step, we will do a breathing exercise. In the yoga of breathing, Kumbak stands for holding breathe. They are of two types -
a) Antar Kumbak -Holding breathe inside
b) Bahir Kumbak -Holding breathe outside
The term "Kumb" is used for a pot in Hindi. While we hold out breath our stomach expands and appears like a pot. Thus, this process is called as Kumbak. Holding of breath automatically leads to stoppage of thoughts or mental functions. And in turn brings silence, joy and serenity.
Step 1: Guru Vandana (3 Minutes)
Sit down in relaxed posture and join your hands.
Bow down in the feet of Master Osho.
Fill with gratitude towards Him
and sing the Hymn.
"Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu,
Gurur Devo Maheshwara...."
Step 2: Keertan (10 Minutes)
Kindly stand up.
Sind, sway, dance, clap and
rejoice to the words of the songs.
Step 3: Breathing Exercise
(Around 5 minutes)
Sit down in a relaxed posture.
Close your eyes.
Inhale slowly and deeply.
Hold your breathes for as long as you can do with ease.
Repeat the same process for next 5 minutes.
Step 4: Witnessing (5 minutes)
Now, let the breathing be normal.
Watch your breaths. See each incoming breath as well as outgoing breath.
Along with the breathing, watch the watcher too.
Step 5: Relaxation (Around 3 Minutes)
Lie down in a relaxed posture.
Now drop all activities of the body as well as the mind.
Nothing to do, Nowhere to go.
Just be in this very moment.
Step 6: Self-Remembrance
(Around 10 Minutes)
In this present moment,
look within at your being.
You are the watcher.
Just be aware of it.
Step 7: Gratitude (Around 2 Minutes)
Come back to the periphery.
Bow down to the Existence for these precious moments of awareness and bliss.
Let this awareness become
the quality of your life.

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