Friday, December 19, 2008

The Peak of Love

Somebody loves you and you love someone. This is the beginning of love. This is the arrival of love. This is the first step of love.

Osho says that if you stop at the first step of love, life won’t allow you to stop here. This will take you to the downward direction. Love is like water. Remember that water flows towards the slope; so is the case with love. But if you combine this love with the energy of meditation, then it goes away to the sky in the form of clouds and gets connected to the coolness of God and rains on the earth in the form of devotion. So remember that if you love someone, then next step must be taken. And what is the next step? The next step of love is meditation.

Meditation: Second step in journey of Love

The next step of meditation is love and the next step of love is meditation. If you will stop at meditation and there won’t be any rising of love in your life then you will fall below meditation also. This has happened. If you stop at love and if love does not become your meditation, then this love will become a desire and if the love rises it becomes meditation. What is the meaning of meditation? Meditation means loving yourself. For the first time you become precious in your own eyes. For the first time you can think that I have not come in this world like an accident. I am an invited guest in this world. At least one person will miss me; at least one heart won’t beat in the way it used to beat in my presence. At least one courtyard will be deprived if I won’t be planted as the plant of Tulsi in that courtyard. Now you remember yourself. Remember that the arrival of love is with self forgetfulness and the height of love is with self-remembering.

For the first time the thought of the self arrives. Then you start with your makeover. You start doing some make-up. You comb your hair properly. You pay attention to your clothes. Till someone does not love you, when do you think about yourself?

I have often seen the married men moving in casual outfits. When people tell them to wear some nice clothes, they reply what purpose it will serve since they are not going to do new marriage. Now the new love is not going to happen. When you are in love of someone then you care for yourself.

Love towards to the Master – Third Step

So the second step is of self remembrance, of meditation, of loving your self. So the next step of love is meditation; that is to love your self. And then when direction of rising starts once, then you take the third step also which is of Shradha, trust, love towards master. When you become precious in your own eyes then a quest arises that how can we be blissful? How can we be prosperous within and outside both? And then a thirst arises – the thirst of bliss; the thirst to make your self happy; the thirst to make yourself blissful. Then you go for a search and this search takes you to the feet of the master. It takes you to satsang; it takes you to disciple hood. It takes you to Shraddha – trust; and then since you have loved yourself, God starts loving you. By His grace you get the feet of the master. Then the saint tells you how can you raise your consciousness in the higher direction? How can your trust become devotion; how can your love merge with the love of infinity? And then you take your love towards godliness.

Four steps of the journey of Love

You take one step and the master takes millions of steps towards you. God takes millions of steps towards you. There is a saying in the West: “God helps those who help themselves. I would like to say: “God loves them who love themselves.” So these are the four steps of love:

· First: Some one loves you.

· Second: You love yourself.

· Third: You search and get a Master.

· Fourth: God loves you; He embraces you.

The height of love is devotion; the height of devotion is non-duality. You become one with your loved one. The difference between you and me vanishes.
Jalaluddin Roomi has written a poem. Once a lover went to his beloved’s house and knocked her door.
She asked “Who is there?”
The lover replied “It’s me”.
The beloved said “The lane of the love is too narrow. There is no place for you and me”. The lover gets depressed and goes away. He comes back after one year. Again he knocks the door and she asks again the same question: “Who’s there”. He replies “You, you, and only you”. She opens the door and welcomes him.
Truly speaking, while drinking the wine of love a time comes when duality vanishes.

Maikhana-e-wahdat mein , saaki ki inayat se;

Peete hi pukar utha – jo tu hai wahi main hu.

In the bar of non-dualism and the grace of the Master, drinking the wine of Divine comes a declaration – As You are, so I am I.

Peak of Love: Non-Duality

One day Mulla Nasirudin came and as he was a drunkard he asked me, “ While drinking, when should I stop?
I answered: “Go on drinking till a single person appear as two.”
Mulla said “Ok, thanks a lot”.
Then Mulla completed nine days Dhyan Samadhi program of Oshodhara. One day he came and said now I am your follower. The wine of God which you have introduced to me, till what time should I consume it?
I said to Mulla, “Now go on drinking this wine of God till two persons don’t seem to be one.”
Till non duality occurs, go on climbing the steps of love.
The height of love is – Wisdom of one’s own true self.

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